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Buy Alpaca Yarn EXCLUSIVE

Our alpaca yarn collection is made from Michigan-raised alpacas that is professionally sorted, washed, and spun in United States mills. All yarn is produced in small batches, and when possible, produced by alpaca so we can attribute the yarn to the specific animal that produced the fiber.

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We offer a variety of yarn weights (lace, fingering, sport, DK, worsted, and bulky) and plies (2-ply and 3-ply) in both skeins and cones. While the majority of our yarn is 100% alpaca, we do offer a few specialty blends. Our sport, DK, and worsted weights will also offer barber pole and tweed yarns. Additionally, we sell raw fiber, roving, felt, and rug yarn that is available online and in our physical farm store.

Because the terms of yarn can be super confusing and subjective, a system of standards was created by the Craft Yarn Council of America. This system makes it possible for all buyers to better understand yarn options and substitute yarn products. The system uses a scale from 0 to 7, with 0 or lace being the finest yarn and 7 or jumbo being the largest.

I automatically assumed thin was always best, but my new friends at the fiber mill quickly informed me this was not the case. Thin, lace-quality yarn cannot be used for many projects so it sits on the shelves for years. I learned fine (sport), light (DK), and medium (worsted) are in much higher demand because they offer a much more versatile yarn. So needless to say, we are producing skeins of alpaca yarn in a variety of fingering, DK, sport, and worsted weights.

This last chart will help you determine how much yarn you need to purchase for your finished product. Keep in mind that most skeins of alpaca yarn sold in the United States are about 200-350 yards. I have noticed some alpaca farms selling this at 100 yards, but this is rare.

Alpaca yarn can be used for lots of products from hats and mittens to sweaters, ponchos, and socks. In our alpaca store we sell a variety of items made of alpaca yarn that include hats, scarves, cowls, mittens, glittens, gloves, socks, sweaters, ponchos, shawls, and rugs. Our most popular items are socks, hats, and gloves.

Contrary to what it sounds like, baby alpaca yarn does not necessarily come from a baby alpaca (also called a cria). Baby refers to the micron count and fineness of the alpaca fiber. Alpaca and fiber can be graded as royal, baby, and superfine or grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3. Royal is the softest of these mentioned, however, it can be slightly floppy since it is so fine. But make no mistake, raw royal alpaca fiber and royal alpaca yarn feel like butter. It is super software and luxurious. Baby alpaca feels wonderful as well and most consumers would not be able to tell the difference. As an alpaca farmer, I know the difference and I love the feel of royal alpaca.

This question is a big deal to me because there is a lot of confusion about the ethics of alpaca farming. While I cannot speak to alpaca farmers worldwide, I can speak to the usage and care of alpacas in the United States.

Alpacas must be shorn each year for their own welfare. They cannot survive throughout the summer heat without being sheared. We have a professional shearing team that comes from Montana to Michigan to shear our alpaca herd. I am personally with each alpaca as they are sheared. I am on the mat in the middle of fur and dirt so that I can make sure my alpaca is sheared with kindness and has a familiar, loving face to focus on during the few minutes they are being sheared.

An adult alpaca weighing about 150 pounds will produce about 5-10 pounds of fiber that could be converted into yarn. A standard alpaca produces approximately 4 pounds of high-quality fiber (we call these firsts) and an equal amount of coarser fiber (we call these seconds and thirds).

Cottage mills that process alpaca fiber are always full, so we do have delays in processing. It is the downside of running small batches by individual alpaca. But in my mind, it is worth it. I love looking at a skein of DK, sport, fingering, and worsted yarn and knowing it came from a specific alpaca. It amplifies the beauty of the yarn and my love for farming.

Do you recommend using alpaca for socks? I have several skeins that are DK weight. If add twist using my wheel would it be more likely to resist wear on the heel and ball of the foot? Or should I add a ply of regular wool sock yarn on those high wear areas?

I absolutely love alpaca, but I do find it to be itchy.I did find one years ago that I did not have a problem with.Of course, I have no idea of the brand or type this was. and havegone through many failures in the attempt to find one again.If you have any suggestions I would be most grateful.Best regardsLisa

I am currently knitting my second cardigan in a mix of 70% Falkland Island wool and 30% English alpaca. It is delightful to work with and after blocking, the pieces become so supple and slinky in my hand. It feels really comfortable to wear so I can endorse your enthusiasm. Before using it, I had never heard of wool having a halo. Lovely expression.

This is such an interesting article, thank you. You mentioned knitting with two strands held together to reduce the stretching. Are you suggesting two strands of the same yarn, or adding a mohair yarn (for instance) as the second strand? Many thanks.

I guess it depends on the yarn. I remember that my dad bought a couple of alpaca blankets the last time we were in Peru and they held up decently. The biggest issue I would personally see is that alpaca often stretches out after washing. And with a huge blanket, that can be quite an endeavor to do and (dry). As for knitting with two strands held together..why not go for a blend straight away?

Each year an adult alpaca produces an average of five to eight pounds of fiber. In North America, alpaca fiber used to be sold almost exclusively to hand-spinners because there were not enough alpacas to make commercial processing economically viable. This changed in 1998, however, when breeders from all over North America formed the Alpaca Fiber Cooperative of North America, Inc. (AFCNA) to pool and process fiber each year.

Alpacas are members of the Camelid family, which also includes llamas, vicuñas, guanacos and the "Old World" dromedary and Bactrian camels. Alpacas are ruminants with three stomach compartments which efficiently convert grass and hay into energy. Their padded feet with two toes each have little impact on the ground as they graze, making them friendly to the environment. Their communal dung piles make collection and composting into rich fertilizer easy. Alpacas communicate using body language and sounds. The most common sound is a soft hum, although they use others, including a clucking sound and an alarm call. Alpacas usually live to be 15 to 25 years old, are about 3 feet tall at the withers and usually weigh between 110 and 175 pounds. Baby alpacas are called crias, and usually weigh between 14 and 20 pounds at birth. The gestation period for a female alpaca is about 340 days (almost a year) and twins are rare. Two breeds of alpacas are recognized by their different fleece types: huacayas, which make up most of the North American herd, and suris. Huacayas have fluffy, crimpy fiber, while the more lustrous straight fiber of the suri hangs down in long tight locks.

Alpacas, llamas, vicuñas and guanacos originally came from South America, primarily Bolivia, Chile and Peru. It is thought that alpacas were originally domesticated from vicuñas in the Andean highlands of Peru more than 6,000 years ago. During the 11th and 12th centuries, alpacas were revered by the Incas, whose husbandry was very sophisticated. The animals were highly selected for abundant fine fiber, and evidence suggests that the quality of fiber then was superior to today's. These years of sophisticated breeding were interrupted by the Spanish conquest of the Incas in the 16th century, when alpacas that were not slaughtered were driven to the higher elevations of Peru and Bolivia, the "width="200" height="214" altiplano". In the 1800's, alpaca fiber was discovered by the English, and it has been an important worldwide commodity ever since. Peru produces about 90% of the world's alpaca fiber today.

Alpacas are a growing part of the modern U.S. agricultural scene; breeding them is gaining popularity as a home business. Alpacas are also used as pets and 4H animals as well as for their luxury fiber. They are easy to train and care for, and are generally hewidth="200" height="214" althy and hardy, requiring only basic shelter, shearing, worming and annual vaccinations. width="200" height="214" although most breeders enjoy daily contact with their animals, some people buy alpacas and board them with another breeder. Some people show their alpacas in showmanship, hwidth="200" height="214" alter, obstacle and fleece classes. Alpacas are also used to demonstrate agility or the use of fiber at fairs and other exhibitions. They are excellent for PR and community service, such as visiting schools or nursing homes. They're shy, but generally well-mannered, and their charm and great looks bring smiles to everyone's faces.

PURCHASES: All products, with the exception of yarn, are final sale, (this includes all discounted products). We allow exchanges on yarn for an equivalent item or store credit within 30 days of purchase if unused, in original condition and with the original receipt.

Drops offer thousands of free patterns, covering their entire range of yarns, all of which are available to download and print out for free from the Garnstudio website - Garnstudio are the manufacturers of Drops yarn.

This 100% pure graded baby alpaca fleece is available in a range of dye-free, natural colors. From brown and gold to silver and black, Alpaca wool also dyes easily, which helps you create gorgeous yarns and knit products. Hand-spin, felt, or weave beautiful, colorful alpaca products, garments, and textiles. 041b061a72


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