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How to Use Carel 1tool 2.6.46 2.6.57 SP1 for Creating and Managing HVAC/R Projects - HVAC Pro Tips

Carel 1tool 2.6.46 2.6.57 SP1 14l: A Comprehensive Review

If you are looking for a development tool for the CAREL programmable controller platform, you might have heard of Carel 1tool. But what is it exactly and why is it important for HVAC/R applications? In this article, we will provide a comprehensive review of Carel 1tool 2.6.46 2.6.57 SP1 14l, which is the latest version of this software tool. We will cover its features and benefits, how to use it, how it compares with other development tools in the market, and some frequently asked questions about it.

Carel 1tool 2.6.46 2.6.57 SP1 14l

Carel Carel 1tool is a software tool that allows the developer to create, test, debug, commission, and monitor the application program for the CAREL programmable controller platform. It is designed for HVAC/R applications, such as air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, ventilation, humidification, etc. Carel 1tool is compatible with all CAREL controllers, such as pCO, c.pCO, µC2SE, MPXPRO, etc.

With Carel 1tool, the developer can create customized and flexible solutions for any HVAC/R project, using a vast library of functional blocks and standard applications. Carel 1tool also integrates and interacts with other CAREL products and solutions, such as PCO SISTEMA+, c.suite, c.web, etc., to provide a complete and efficient system.

Features and Benefits of Carel 1tool

Carel 1tool offers many features and benefits for the developer and the end-user of the HVAC/R system. Here are some of the main ones:

Five Different Environments

Carel 1tool provides five different environments for managing all phases of the application program: design, testing, debugging, commissioning, and monitoring. These environments are:

  • 1tool IDE: This is the integrated development environment where the developer can create and edit the application program using graphical or textual languages. It also allows the developer to set up the parameters, select the controller model, add functional blocks, etc.

  • 1tool SIM: This is the simulation environment where the developer can test and debug the application program without connecting to a physical controller. It also allows the developer to use breakpoints, watch variables, error messages, etc.

  • 1tool COM: This is the communication environment where the developer can download and commission the application program to a physical controller using USB or Ethernet connection. It also allows the developer to set up the communication parameters, test the functionality, etc.

  • 1tool WEB: This is the web environment where the developer can monitor and maintain the application program using c.web or c.suite software. It also allows the developer to access data logs, update firmware, etc.

  • 1tool DOC: This is the documentation environment where the developer can generate and print documentation for the application program, such as wiring diagrams, parameter lists, functional descriptions, etc.

Integration and Interaction

Carel 1tool integrates and interacts with other CAREL products and solutions to provide a complete and efficient system for HVAC/R applications. Some of these products and solutions are:

  • PCO SISTEMA+: This is a software tool that allows the developer to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for CAREL controllers using drag-and-drop elements. It also allows the developer to customize the appearance and functionality of the GUIs according to the project needs.

  • c.suite: This is a software suite that allows the developer and the end-user to monitor and control multiple HVAC/R units using a PC or a smartphone. It also allows them to access data logs, alarms, trends, reports, etc.

  • c.web: This is a web-based software that allows the developer and the end-user to monitor and control single or multiple HVAC/R units using any web browser. It also allows them to access data logs, alarms, trends, reports, etc.

  • c.pCOWeb+: This is a hardware device that connects CAREL controllers to c.web or c.suite software via Ethernet or Wi-Fi. It also allows them to communicate with other devices using Modbus TCP/IP or BACnet/IP protocols.

  • c.pCOWebEvo+: This is an advanced version of c.pCOWeb+ that also supports HTML5 web pages for creating dynamic and responsive GUIs for CAREL controllers.

  • c.pCOWebBACnet+: This is a version of c.pCOWeb+ that also supports BACnet MS/TP protocol for communicating with other devices on a serial network.

  • c.pCOWebModbus+: This is a version of c.pCOWeb+ that also supports Modbus RTU protocol for communicating with other devices on a serial network.

  • c.pCOWebLonWorks+: This is a version of c.pCOWeb+ that also supports LonWorks protocol for communicating with other devices on a network.

Library of Functional Blocks

Carel 1tool provides a vast library of functional blocks for HVAC/R applications, which are pre-programmed and tested components that perform specific functions. These functional blocks can be easily added and configured in the application program using graphical or textual languages. There are three types of functional blocks in Carel 1tool:

  • Atoms: These are the basic functional blocks that perform elementary functions, such as arithmetic operations, logic operations, timers, counters, etc.

  • Macroblocks: These are the intermediate functional blocks that perform complex functions, such as PID control, fan speed control, compressor control, etc.

  • Modules: These are the advanced functional blocks that perform complete functions, such as air handling unit control, chiller control, heat pump control, etc.

The library of functional blocks in Carel 1tool is constantly updated and expanded to meet the evolving needs and standards of the HVAC/R industry. The developer can also create and save custom functional blocks in Carel 1tool for future use.

Standard Applications

Carel 1tool offers a range of standard applications for different types of HVAC/R units, which are pre-programmed and tested solutions that can be easily adapted and customized for any project. These standard applications include:

  • Air Handling Unit (AHU): This is a standard application that controls the operation of an air handling unit, which is a device that conditions and circulates air in a building. It includes functions such as temperature control, humidity control, air quality control, fan control, filter control, etc.

  • Chiller: This is a standard application that controls the operation of a chiller, which is a device that cools water or other fluids for cooling purposes. It includes functions such as compressor control, condenser control, evaporator control, pump control, etc.

  • Heat Pump: This is a standard application that controls the operation of a heat pump, which is a device that transfers heat from one source to another for heating or cooling purposes. It includes functions such as compressor control, reversing valve control, heat exchanger control, fan control, etc.

  • Rooftop Unit (RTU): This is a standard application that controls the operation of a rooftop unit, which is a device that provides heating and cooling for a single zone or multiple zones in a building. It includes functions such as temperature control, humidity control, air quality control, fan control, filter control, etc.

  • Ventilation Unit (VU): This is a standard application that controls the operation of a ventilation unit, which is a device that provides fresh air and exhausts stale air in a building. It includes functions such as airflow control, pressure control, CO2 control, fan control, filter control, etc.

The standard applications in Carel 1tool are based on the best practices and standards of the HVAC/R industry. The developer can also create and save custom applications in Carel 1tool for future use.

Customization and Flexibility

Carel 1tool allows the developer to customize and modify the application program according to the specific needs and requirements of the project. The developer can:

  • Add or remove functional blocks: The developer can add or remove any functional block from the library or from the custom collection to create the desired functionality.

  • Edit or create parameters: The developer can edit or create any parameter for any functional block to adjust the settings and values.

  • Change or create languages: The developer can change or create any language for any functional block to use graphical or textual languages.

  • Import or export files: The developer can import or export any file from or to Carel 1tool to use external data or resources.

  • Use macros or scripts: The developer can use macros or scripts to automate or simplify certain tasks or processes in Carel 1tool.

Carel 1tool provides a high level of customization and flexibility for the developer to create optimal and efficient solutions for any HVAC/R project. How to Use Carel 1tool

Now that we have seen the features and benefits of Carel 1tool, let us see how to use it. Carel 1tool is a user-friendly and intuitive software tool that guides the developer through all the steps and procedures for creating, testing, debugging, commissioning, and monitoring the application program. Here are the main steps and procedures for using Carel 1tool:

Installation and Activation

The first step is to install and activate Carel 1tool on a PC or laptop. To install Carel 1tool, the developer needs to download the setup file from the CAREL website or use the CD-ROM provided with the software package. The developer then needs to run the setup file and follow the instructions on the screen. The installation process may take a few minutes depending on the system configuration.

To activate Carel 1tool, the developer needs to register the software license on the CAREL website or use the activation code provided with the software package. The developer then needs to enter the license number and the activation code in the software activation window and click on "Activate". The activation process may take a few seconds depending on the internet connection.

Project Creation and Management

The second step is to create and manage a project in Carel 1tool. A project is a collection of files and settings that define the application program for a specific HVAC/R unit or system. To create a project in Carel 1tool, the developer needs to click on "File" and then on "New Project". The developer then needs to enter a name and a description for the project and click on "OK". The developer can also select a template or a standard application from the library to start with.

To manage a project in Carel 1tool, the developer can use the project explorer window, which shows all the files and settings of the project in a hierarchical structure. The developer can add, delete, rename, copy, paste, or move any file or setting in the project explorer window. The developer can also use the project properties window, which shows all the general information and parameters of the project, such as controller model, communication protocol, language, etc. The developer can edit or change any property or parameter in the project properties window.

Simulation and Debugging

The third step is to simulate and debug the application program in Carel 1tool. Simulation is a process that allows the developer to test and verify the functionality and performance of the application program without connecting to a physical controller. Debugging is a process that allows the developer to identify and correct any errors or bugs in the application program. To simulate and debug the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer needs to use 1tool SIM environment.

To simulate the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer needs to click on "Simulation" and then on "Start Simulation". The developer then needs to select a simulation mode, such as normal mode, fast mode, or step-by-step mode. The developer can also select a simulation speed, such as real time, slow motion, or fast forward. The simulation window will show the graphical representation of the application program and its inputs and outputs. The developer can also use the simulation toolbar to control the simulation, such as pause, resume, stop, restart, etc.

To debug the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer can use various tools and features, such as:

  • Breakpoints: These are points in the application program where the simulation stops and allows the developer to inspect and modify the values of variables, parameters, inputs, outputs, etc.

  • Watch variables: These are variables that the developer can monitor and display in a separate window during the simulation. The developer can also change the values of watch variables during the simulation.

  • Error messages: These are messages that appear in a separate window during the simulation and indicate any errors or warnings in the application program. The developer can also double-click on any error message to locate the source of the error in the application program.

  • Trace mode: This is a mode that allows the developer to trace the execution of the application program step by step and see how each functional block is activated and deactivated.

  • Log mode: This is a mode that allows the developer to record and save the data of the simulation in a log file for later analysis.

Downloading and Commissioning

The fourth step is to download and commission the application program in Carel 1tool. Downloading is a process that allows the developer to transfer the application program from the PC or laptop to a physical controller. Commissioning is a process that allows the developer to verify and validate the functionality and performance of the application program on a physical controller. To download and commission the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer needs to use 1tool COM environment.

To download the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer needs to click on "Communication" and then on "Download". The developer then needs to select a communication mode, such as USB or Ethernet. The developer also needs to set up the communication parameters, such as IP address, port number, baud rate, etc. The download window will show the progress and status of the download. The developer can also use the download toolbar to control the download, such as cancel, retry, etc.

To commission the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer needs to click on "Communication" and then on "Commissioning". The developer then needs to select a commissioning mode, such as online or offline. The commissioning window will show the graphical representation of the application program and its inputs and outputs on the physical controller. The developer can also use the commissioning toolbar to control the commissioning, such as start, stop, reset, etc.

To download and commission the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer needs to follow the safety and quality standards and procedures of the HVAC/R industry. The developer also needs to test the functionality and performance of the application program on the physical controller and ensure that it meets the expectations and requirements of the end-user.

Monitoring and Maintenance

The fifth step is to monitor and maintain the application program in Carel 1tool. Monitoring is a process that allows the developer and the end-user to observe and analyze the data and status of the application program on a physical controller. Maintenance is a process that allows the developer and the end-user to update and optimize the functionality and performance of the application program on a physical controller. To monitor and maintain the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer needs to use 1tool WEB environment.

To monitor the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer can use c.web or c.suite software, which are web-based or PC-based software that allow the developer and the end-user to access and control single or multiple HVAC/R units using any web browser or smartphone. The developer can also use c.pCOWeb+ or c.pCOWebEvo+ devices, which are hardware devices that connect CAREL controllers to c.web or c.suite software via Ethernet or Wi-Fi. The developer can access data logs, alarms, trends, reports, etc., from the application program on the physical controller.

To maintain the application program in Carel 1tool, the developer can use c.web or c.suite software, which allow the developer and the end-user to update and optimize the functionality and performance of the application program on a physical controller. The developer can also use c.pCOWeb+ or c.pCOWebEvo+ devices, which allow them to communicate with other devices using Modbus TCP/IP or BACnet/IP protocols. The developer can update firmware, change parameters, modify functional blocks, etc., from the application program on the physical controller.

Comparison with Other Development Tools

Now that we have seen how to use Carel 1tool, let us see how it compares with other development tools in the market. There are many development tools available for HVAC/R applications, such as Siemens TIA Portal, Schneider Electric EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Johnson Controls Metasys Configuration Tool, etc. Each development tool has its own advantages and disadvantages over Carel 1tool. Here are some of them:

Advantages of Carel 1tool

Carel 1tool has many advantages over other development tools in the market, such as:

  • Reliability: Carel 1tool is a reliable development tool that ensures high quality and performance of the application program. It is based on proven technology and standards of CAREL, which is a leading company in HVAC/R solutions.

  • Efficiency: Carel 1tool is an efficient development tool that reduces time and cost of development. It offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface, a vast library of functional blocks and standard applications, a simulation and debugging environment, etc.

  • User-friendliness: Carel 1tool is a user-friendly development tool that simplifies and facilitates the development process. It offers a graphical or textual language, a drag-and-drop interface, a simulation and debugging environment, etc.

  • Compatibility: Carel 1tool is a compatible development tool that works with all CAREL controllers and devices. It also integrates and interacts with other CAREL products and solutions, such as PCO SISTEMA+, c.suite, c.web, etc.

  • Support: Carel 1tool is a supported development tool that provides technical assistance and training for the developer and the end-user. It also provides documentation and updates for the software and the library.

Disadvantages of Carel 1tool

Carel 1tool also has some disadvantages over other development tools in the market, such as:

  • Cost: Carel 1tool is a costly development tool that requires a software license and an activation code to use. It also requires a hardware device, such as c.pCOWeb+, to connect to the physical controller.

Complexity: Carel 1tool is a complex development tool that requires a high level of skill and knowledge to use. It also requires a lot of t


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