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Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl

Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl: Apa Itu dan Bagaimana Cara Membuatnya?

Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl adalah sebuah aplikasi web yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan dengan menggunakan metode Analytic Hierarchy Process for Learning (AHPL). Metode AHPL adalah salah satu metode Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) yang berbasis pada konsep hierarki kriteria dan alternatif, serta pembelajaran dari data historis.

Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl

Aplikasi web ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai macam kasus, seperti pemilihan lokasi usaha, penentuan prioritas kriteria, evaluasi kinerja karyawan, dan lain-lain. Aplikasi web ini dapat memberikan hasil perhitungan yang akurat dan objektif, serta dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan preferensi pengguna.

Untuk membuat aplikasi web ini, kita memerlukan beberapa hal, yaitu:

  • Server web yang mendukung bahasa pemrograman PHP

  • Database MySQL untuk menyimpan data

  • Editor teks atau IDE untuk menulis kode PHP

  • Browser web untuk menjalankan dan menguji aplikasi

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk membuat aplikasi web Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl:

  • Buat database MySQL dengan nama spk_ahpl dan buat tabel-tabel yang dibutuhkan, seperti tabel kriteria, alternatif, bobot, dan hasil.

  • Buat file koneksi.php untuk menghubungkan aplikasi dengan database.

  • Buat file index.php sebagai halaman utama aplikasi yang berisi menu-menu untuk mengelola data kriteria, alternatif, bobot, dan hasil.

  • Buat file kriteria.php untuk menampilkan, menambah, mengubah, dan menghapus data kriteria.

  • Buat file alternatif.php untuk menampilkan, menambah, mengubah, dan menghapus data alternatif.

  • Buat file bobot.php untuk menampilkan dan mengubah data bobot kriteria dan alternatif.

  • Buat file ahpl.php untuk melakukan perhitungan SPK dengan metode AHPL.

  • Buat file hasil.php untuk menampilkan hasil perhitungan SPK dengan metode AHPL.

Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah di atas, kita dapat membuat aplikasi web Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl dengan mudah dan cepat. Aplikasi web ini dapat membantu kita dalam mengambil keputusan yang lebih baik dan lebih cerdas.

What is Analytic Hierarchy Process for Learning (AHPL)?

Analytic Hierarchy Process for Learning (AHPL) is an extension of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is a well-known method for multi-criteria decision making. AHP allows us to compare alternatives based on multiple criteria, using pairwise comparisons and a ratio scale. AHP also helps us to measure the consistency of our judgments and to revise them if necessary.

AHPL adds a learning component to AHP, by using historical data to adjust the weights of the criteria and the alternatives. AHPL can capture the changes in preferences and priorities over time, and can provide more accurate and robust results. AHPL can also handle uncertainty and incomplete information, by using fuzzy logic and probabilistic methods.

How to Apply Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl?

To apply Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl, we need to follow these steps:

  • Define the goal or objective of the decision.

  • Identify the alternatives that are available for the decision.

  • Identify the criteria that are relevant for the decision.

  • Build a hierarchy that represents the structure of the decision problem.

  • Collect historical data on the performance of the alternatives under each criterion.

  • Use Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl to calculate the weights of the criteria and the alternatives, based on the historical data and the pairwise comparisons.

  • Rank the alternatives according to their global weights and select the best one.

Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl can help us to make better decisions in complex and dynamic situations, where we need to consider multiple factors and learn from past experiences. Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl can also help us to explain and justify our decisions, by showing how they are derived from objective data and subjective judgments.

Example of Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl

To illustrate how Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl works, let us consider an example of selecting the best car among four alternatives: A, B, C, and D. The criteria that we use to evaluate the cars are: price, fuel efficiency, safety, and comfort. We also have historical data on the ratings of the cars under each criterion from previous customers.

The first step is to build a hierarchy for the decision problem, as shown in Figure 1.

The second step is to collect historical data on the ratings of the cars under each criterion from previous customers. We assume that the ratings are given on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is the best and 1 is the worst. The historical data are shown in Table 1.



Fuel Efficiency























Table 1: Historical data on the ratings of the cars under each criterion.

The third step is to use Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl to calculate the weights of the criteria and the alternatives, based on the historical data and the pairwise comparisons. We assume that we use a simple average method to aggregate the historical data into a single rating for each car under each criterion. We also assume that we use a geometric mean method to calculate the priority vector from the pairwise comparison matrix. The results are shown in Table 2.


Price (0.25)

Fuel Efficiency (0.20)

Safety (0.30)

Comfort (0.25)

Global Weight

















In this article, we have explained what Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl is and how to apply it to make better decisions in complex and dynamic situations. We have also shown an example of using Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl to select the best car among four alternatives, based on multiple criteria and historical data. We have seen that Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl can help us to combine objective data and subjective judgments, to capture the changes in preferences and priorities over time, and to handle uncertainty and incomplete information. Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl can also help us to explain and justify our decisions, by showing how they are derived from the hierarchy, the pairwise comparisons, and the weights of the criteria and the alternatives.

Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl is a powerful and flexible tool that can be used for various types of decision problems, such as product selection, supplier evaluation, project prioritization, resource allocation, risk assessment, and so on. Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl can also be integrated with other methods and techniques, such as fuzzy logic, probabilistic methods, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and so on. Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl can be implemented using various programming languages, such as PHP, Python, Java, C++, and so on.

We hope that this article has given you a clear understanding of Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl and its benefits. We encourage you to try Php Skrip Untuk Program Perhitungan Spk Metode Ahpl for your own decision problems and see how it can help you to make better and smarter decisions. 6c859133af


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