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Auto Vo Lam Bi Su 16 15

materials and methods:the training data set included blood pressure data from patients in the cardiology department of a traditional chinese medicine hospital (tcm) in shanghai, china. the testing data set included blood pressure data from patients in the cardiology department of a traditional chinese medicine hospital (tcm) in uk and from the lifestyle study. based on the model developed from the data set of chinese patients, a total of 100 patients from the lifestyle study were identified with an increased risk of hypertensive target organ damage (htod), and matched in age, sex, and htod risk score to 100 patients in the lifestyle study with no increased risk of htod. the participants from the lifestyle study were from three different ethnic groups (50 british caucasians, 50 british african-caribbean and 50 british asian), and were aged between 18 and 84 years. the four well-defined stages of beta cell destruction from the nod mouse pancreas and mouse-human islet compaction were used to evaluate beta cell destruction in the lifestyle study. blood pressure was measured using an automated sphygmomanometer (omron). electrocardiography (ecg) was performed according to international standards. pulse wave velocity (pwv) was measured by the vicorder method (skidmore medical, london, uk). a total of 50 patients with no increased risk of htod and 50 with increased risk of htod were enrolled in the lifestyle study.

Auto Vo Lam Bi Su 16 15


the expression of atg5 was significantly increased in group b and c in contrast to group a and there was a significant decline of tfeb expression in group b and c. the expression of lc3, p62/sqstm1 and p-p70s6k were significantly increased in group b and c when compared to group a. the expression of sirt3 was significantly decreased in group b and c when compared to group a. the expression of acetylated-tsc2 was increased in group b and c when compared to group a. the expression of tsc2 was significantly decreased in group b and c when compared to group a. there was no significant difference in the expression of tsc2 among the group. the results indicated that the autophagy process was significantly decreased in the t2dm patients and this decreased autophagy process was related to the pathogenesis of the disease.


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