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Children Of Blood And Bone Legacy Of Oris - Tom...

Universal found reissuing Dracula and Frankenstein led to success at the box-office and began to produce horror films again starting with Son of Frankenstein (1939). Karloff reprised his role, with Lugosi also starring as Ygor and top-billed Basil Rathbone as Dr. Frankenstein. This was Karloff's first Universal film since the original Frankenstein in which Karloff was not top billed as "KARLOFF", a custom that the studio had used for eight films in a row while Karloff was at the height of his career. Basil Rathbone held top billing for Son of Frankenstein, and since Rathbone, Karloff and Lugosi were all billed above the title, billing Basil, Boris and Bela was hard to resist. Karloff was never billed by simply his last name again. Regarding Son of Frankenstein, the film's director Rowland V. Lee said his crew let Lugosi "work on the characterization; the interpretation he gave us was imaginative and totally unexpected ... when we finished shooting, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that he stole the show. Karloff's monster was weak by comparison."[20]

Children of Blood and Bone Legacy of Oris - Tom...

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Leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1 (LAD-1) is a rare pediatric disorder that causes the immune system to malfunction, resulting in recurrent, often severe, bacterial and fungal infections as well as delayed wound healing. This is because of a missing protein that would normally enable white blood cells to stick to blood vessel walls- a crucial step that is needed before moving outside the vessel walls and into tissues to fight infections. If left undiagnosed and untreated, LAD-1 is fatal and most children with the disorder will die before the age of 2.

Two of the children did not respond to the therapy and both were returned to the current standard-of-care therapy. One subsequently underwent a bone marrow transplant. None of the children in the study experienced serious side-effects.

On paper, the children's stories have a terrible sameness:"The rebels took me, they made me march, I was afraid, my feet swelled,I had to help kill another child . . . ." But for all their similarities,the stories are each unique: one child recalls a visit from the spiritof his dead brother; another remembers the chicken the rebels forced himto pluck more quickly than he was able; a third remembers the blood thatdripped from the mouth of a child being clubbed to death.

We walked for a very long distance, day and night, andwe slept with no food given to us. As we moved we crossed the river betweenGulu and Kitgum. The water almost killed us, because we could not swim.We crossed a main road and came across five people riding bicycles, andthe rebels killed them because bicycles are against their rules: the rebelsfear fast delivery of information about their presence. They would sendyoung children to climb trees for observation, but still we were oftenattacked by government soldiers, and many were killed. I was shot in theleg, but it missed the bone and afterwards I recovered.

For other children, it isn't the waking memories thatare worst, but the dreams. "These children don't want to rememberwhat they've been through," says James Kazini, commander of the army'sFourth Division in Gulu. "My wife and I had several of the escapedgirls staying in our house, before they went back to school, and they wereall dreaming in the night: at one time, one of the girls woke us shouting,because she said she was seeing blood everywhere, blood floating out ofthe bed." (24)

It was surprising to me when I heard the way those peopletreat people. I didn't believe when I was told, until at last I came tosee these things with my own eyes. I saw peoples' legs being cut with eithera panga or an axe. I saw a young baby of a few months held in hand andbeaten to death against a tree. I saw children of 10 years being takeninto slavery. Innocent people were killed in a way that I never thoughta human being could [act towards] another human being. Imagine a very oldman, that cannot even run, having his leg cut off while some people juststep on him! However harsh you are, can't you sympathize on such an old,gray haired man? Whoever tries to escape, if they get that person, is killedby [ being hit on] the head until the skull is just crushed bones. A girlof 12 years was killed while I was seeing blood flood on the ground. People'slips [were] being cut off and people's mouths were locked with padlocks.At times they cut the breasts off women.

The Master of the Beasts of another land, Tanner of Avantia, would learn of the fate of Pyloris nine years after the creation of Krokol, and set out to defeat the Father of Fear. The two clashed, with neither being able to finish the other off. Unable to destroy Krokol but desperate to finish the fight, Tanner used a potion given to him to help defeat Krokol and used it to split the Beast into three smaller weaker Beasts before he was forced to return to Avantia to recover from his wounds, choosing not to return after being healed. These three Beasts, Electro, Fluger and Morax, would become known to the people of Pyloris as the Children of Krokol and continue the Father of Fear's legacy of terror.

Centuries later, the sorceress Ria would use Krokol's blood to enchant the current Avantian Master of the Beasts, Tom, into following her will and travelling to Pyloris to revive Krokol. The pair, being pursued by Elenna and Daltec, defeated the Children of Krokol and moved to the Great Palace of Pyloris so Ria could revive the Beast. She used the tokens of the three Beasts to create the potion and slashed Tom with a blade coated in the liquid, and as such Krokol was reborn in Tom's body. The Father of Fear would be defeated in the palace by the Avantians, ending four centuries of torment by the Beast Jorah unleashed and the three Beasts created from it. 041b061a72


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